About the NFJE
The National Foundation for Judicial Excellence (NFJE) was incorporated in October 2004 and has 501(c)(3) charity status. NFJE joins bar associations, law schools, think tanks and other non-profit organizations that strive to strengthen and preserve the civil justice system. The mission of NFJE is to:
Address important legal policy issues affecting the law and civil justice system by providing meaningful support and education to the judiciary, by publishing scholarly works and by engaging in other efforts to continually enhance and ensure judicial excellence and fairness for all engaged in the judicial process.
To carry out its mission, NFJE will host an Annual Judicial Symposium each summer. In addition, NFJE will publish scholarly works and engage in other activities to continually enhance the rule of law and the administration of justice.
NFJE has four Officers and twelve Board Members. The NFJE Officers and Board Members, along with NFJE’s staff, are active in the work of NFJE’s committees which include Development, Programing, and Publications.
NFJE Officers
Tillman J. Breckenridge
John E. Cuttino
Kathleen M. Guilfoyle
Philip L. Willman
Dean Martinez
Edward S. Sledge, IV
NFJE Board of Directors
Amy L. Miletich
Tillman J. Breckenridge
John E. Cuttino
Kathleen M. Guilfoyle
Philip L. Willman
Dean Martinez
Edward S. Sledge, IV
Imoh E. Akpan
Bryan R. Browning
Baxter Drennon
Mark A. Fahleson
John S. Guttmann
Amy Mass
E. Todd Presnell
Carmen R. Toledo
John R. Kouris
Staff and Headquarters
Savita Puranmalka
P: (312) 698-6202
F: (312) 252-0230
E: spuranmalka@nfje.net
222 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 1870
Chicago, IL 60606
P: (312) 698-6224
E: nfje@nfje.net